
Best TV Show Theme Songs

So ER came to a close last night after 15 years on the air. The TV drama, which started its run in 1994, boasted a bevy of stars during its run, George Clooney probably the most notable among them. In the interest of full disclosure, I can tell you that I watched the show on and off during its first five or so years, but really for the last decade ER has never been appointment television for me. It's not that I thought the program was bad or boring. I just didn't seem to care about it all that much. That said, I watched the series finale last night on and off (my attention was primarily focused on the Washington Wizards victory against the Cleveland Cavaliers, 109-101), and I felt a bit of nostalgia. Partly because the show really did leave an impact on the TV drama landscape, and partly because no matter who the producers cast on the show, there was always great chemistry among the actors.

But what really got to me was the final three minutes of the show, when the ER theme began playing, and the doctors at County General continue to do their day-to-day business of saving lives.

There was always something about the ER theme that stuck with me. What can I say. It's a great piece of music. So I thought I'd post my top 8 favorite TV show theme songs here. If you have any you want to include, feel free to leave a comment. But who am I kidding? No one reads this.

1. Cheers

2. The Simpsons

3. Law & Order


5. ER

6. The Office

7. Night Court

8. Taxi

1 comment:

Chris said...

I think you forgot the Smallville theme song.

"Somebody saaaaaaaaaaaave me!"